Octodec donated 500 Dignity Packs to Unchain Our Children

Octodec, sister company of City Property, donated 500 Dignity Packs to Unchain Our Children

Watching a crane at City Property Pretoria lowering 500 dignity packs for boys, girls, and women into Unchain Our Children’s trailer Tuesday morning, was watching many prayers being answered in front of our eyes. Top quality personal hygiene items, soft toys, sweeties, towels, and facecloths were among the carefully selected items were packed by the staff for distribution among abused children and survivors of gender-based violence.

As statistics are skyrocketing and cases of child abuse, neglect, abandonment, exploitation, and trafficking are being reported daily, Octodec dignity pack brings joy to these survivors as they realize someone is caring enough to have blessed them with a beautiful gift of something special just for them.

Wayne van Onselen, Founder and Executive Director Unchain Our Children was invited to meet with the Managing Director of Octodec, Mr Jeffrey Wapnick. Mr Wapnick has a quest for inner city revival and rejuvenation. His management team shared with us their Change Our City For Good campaign and every story was alive with passion, enthusiasm and dedication describing their projects focussing on the upliftment of the vulnerable in our society.

“Make it Happen”, is the motto of Mr Wapnick. We were privilege to have experienced not only his dynamic business demeanour but also his sincerity and dedication to give back to the community. An accomplished entrepreneur, his vision for mid-city make-overs exceeds all expectations.

With an impressive portfolio of commercial-, industrial-, retail-, office and apartment properties in Pretoria and Johannesburg, Octodec is celebrating more than 50 years of providing beautiful spaces for living life.
