Octodec Investments Limited (“Octodec” or “the company” or “the group”) board of directors (“the board”) endorses the King IV™ Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa, 2016 (“King IV™”), which plays a key role in benchmarking our corporate governance framework and policies.
The JSE Listings Requirements stipulate that certain principles of King IV™ are mandatory, whilst the balance should be adopted on an “apply and explain” basis. The report below addresses all the principles of King IV™. We have expanded these outcomes to better fit the company’s scope of disclosure. The board has opted to apply all 16 of the applicable King IV™ principles and the application status of each of these principles, grouped under the desired key governance outcomes of ethical culture, good performance, effective control, and legitimacy, is noted in the report which further discloses where information regarding the application of the King IV™ principles may be obtained.